It was the wrong sort of dungeon

Like all old cities, much of Port Naain is built on older bits of Port Naain. It’s claimed that in the Sump there are houses falling down because they’re built on the foundations of houses that fell down previously. Madam Cissie Rotherie is perhaps unique in my experience in that she managed to use what … More  It was the wrong sort of dungeon

Art for art’s sake

Seap Melthan was one of the greats. Let us not beat about the bush, few could match his vision and outstanding ability. He has left the city a number of works concomitant with his towering genius, including his house. Unusually for an artist, Seap was a man who could make money. Some inevitably claimed that … More Art for art’s sake

A book review

  I confess I am rarely called upon to review books. One or two people have hinted that my reviews reveal the acerbic side of my character, a charge I vehemently deny. Others say that I have a tendency to dwell lovingly on my own exploits and somehow overlook the merits of the writer whose … More A book review