The price of performance

Occasionally one gets called upon to perform at one of the great formal affairs. Such a call comes perhaps once or twice a year and I always feel that it is worth making an effort and attending. Admittedly one never gets paid and rarely gets tipped, but one meets people and it’s rare I do … More The price of performance

The candidates

There are some interesting posts in Port Naain that would suit the right applicant. One of these is the role of Priest of the Temple of Aea in her Aspect as the Healer. Because the Temple is the personal property of the priest, the appointment is never made, and for the last three centuries a … More The candidates

Have dog will travel

I dislike clichés, indeed as a poet I’m traditionally supposed to either shun them entirely, or if of a romantic disposition, write in little else. But one cliché that does seem to ring true is the saying, ‘It’s a funny old world.’ What brought this to mind was seeing Etan Stor yesterday. I remember Etan … More Have dog will travel